
Showing posts from June, 2023

One-acre drip irrigation kits price depends on the crop type.

One-acre drip irrigation kits price depends on the crop type.  This determines the bed size, which in turn determines the number of drip irrigation tape rows per bed in the farm In Kenya, the cost of drip irrigation per acre for;  one drip row per bed, two drip rows, and three drip rows per bed varies significantly.  So the drip irrigation system price by Grekkon Limited is as per the farmer’s crop choice.  The planting beds width is according to crop type. 0.8M wide beds are for 1 and 2 drip row crops. 1M wide beds are for 3 row drip crops, and 1.2M wide beds for 4 rows of drip lines. The smaller the crop in size, the more the drip irrigation tape rows, and the wider the bed   Components of One-Acre Drip Irrigation Kits 1. Drip pipe 16mm pipe with emitter spacing of either 15cm, 20cm or 30cm. This is what waters the crop, and is the last pipe installed. It is also the smallest in diameter 2. Main line This is a PVC or HDPE pipe. It delivers the water to the far...

Qiimaha Waraabka Dhibcaha ee Hektarkiiba

Qiimaha Waraabka Dhibcaha ee Hektarkiiba Qiimaha waraabka faleebada halkii acre ee Kenya way kala duwan tahay dalagga ilaa dalagga. Grekkon Limited waa kan ugu sarreeya dhammaan alaab-qeybiyeyaasha xirmooyinka waraabka dhibicda ee Kenya. Qiimaha habka waraabka ee qulqulaya ee Kenya wuxuu ku xiran yahay nooca dalagga. Dalagyada geedaha iyo xayndaabyada, badhamada daadinta ayaa lagu rakibay. Dalagyada khudradda, tuubooyin horay u daloolin ayaa la dhigaa. Kala dheeraynta hawada sare ee xadhkaha faleebo ee horay u dalooshay waa; 15cm, 20cm, ama 30cm. Beeraley wuxuu dooranayaa iyadoo loo eegayo kala fogaanshaha nooca dalagga khudradda. Waxaan siinaa beeralaydayada doorashada cajaladaha waraabka ee hal ama double emitter. Xadhkaha dareeraha ee labajibbaaran ayaa waxtar u leh meelaha biyaha waraabka milixdu sarreeyo ee ay milixdu ka soo degto oo ay xidho qiiqa dareeraha ah. Marka uu mid ka mid ah qiiqa hawada isku xirto, markaas ka kale wuxuu sii wa...

Cost Of Drip Irrigation Per Acre

Cost Of Drip Irrigation Per Acre The cost of drip irrigation per acre in Kenya varies from crop to crop. Grekkon Limited is the top most of all drip irrigation kits suppliers in Kenya.  Our drip irrigation system price in Kenya depends on the crop type. For tree crops and hedges, button drippers are installed. In vegetable crops, pre-perforated drip pipes are laid. The emitter spacing on the pre-perforated drip lines is either; 15cm, 20cm, or 30cm. A grower selects according to the vegetable crop type spacing. We provide our growers a choice of single or double emitter drip irrigation tapes.  Double emitter drip lines are helpful in high saline irrigation water locations where salt precipitates form and clog drip emitters.  When one emitter is clogged, then the other one continues to irrigate at the same rate. Drip irrigation pipes for sale in Kenya by Grekkon Limited are PVC, and HDPE types   A 3-row drip per bed installation for a vegetable by Grekkon Limited in Ol...

How to Register a Company in Kenya

How to Register a Company in Kenya MAKING AN ECITIZEN ACCOUNT SUBMITTING A BUSINESS APPLICATION AND FILING PAPERWORK QUESTIONS & ANSWERS TIPS AND WARNINGS RELATED ARTICLES REFERENCES Co-authored by   wikiHow Staff Last Updated: January 31, 2023   References   Approved Download Article Registering a company in Kenya was once a difficult and complicated process. Fortunately, in recent years, the Kenyan government has stepped in and streamlined the registration process. Whether you’re a Kenyan citizen or a foreign business owner looking to open your business in Kenya, the process can still take the better part of a month—especially if your documents are not well organized—so begin the registration process well in advance of when you’d like to start conducting business. Part 1 Part 1 of 2: Making an eCitizen Account 1 Gather your Kenyan ID and make an eCitizen account online.  eCitizen is the online portal through which the Kenyan government conducts much of its...

Step-by-step guide to register your business in Kenya

Step-by-step guide to register your business in Kenya. By Mohamud Ahmed Jama- Do you want to start your own business in Kenya and need information on how to start?   Are you willing to launch your own business in Kenya, and you do not know how to start?   Congratulations! This article is going to walk you through everything you need to know about why it is important to register your business and how to do it.   In Kenya it is important to register your business. If you do not, you will face arrest by county government officials and prosecution in a court of law. You will not be issued with a business license for your business unless it is duly registered. Unless you are licensed, your business will not be allowed to operate, and it will be closed for failure to comply. There are benefits of registering your business, these include but are not limited to:  Identity  - Once you have registered your business, it acquires...

Writing a Farm Description for your Farm Food Safety Plan

Writing a Farm Description for your Farm Food Safety Plan By Mohamud Ahmed Jama- Start with A Farm Description— End with a Great Farm Food Safety Plan Writing your Farm Description is a smart strategy for getting started on your Farm Food Safety Plan (FFSP), a useful and important farm planning, management, and food safety tool. An FFSP is not required for farms whether they are covered by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule or not, but there are many benefits of a well-written plan. Farm Food Safety Plan Benefits A current FFSP helps growers organize farm documents, identify risks and outline actions to lessen or eliminate them, define best practices and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and prepare staff for any questions that may arise from buyers or regulators. It gathers a lot of important and detailed farm information that will help with maintaining and improving efficiency, quality, and food safety on your farm. Where Do I Start? It can seem overwhel...


11 STEPS TO A WHOLE-FARM PLAN By Mohamud Ahmed Jama- iStock: aurielaki It’s no insurance against setbacks, but having a whole-farm plan in place can help your family stay on course when difficulties unfold. “It’s often tough to communicate as a family because you tend to focus so much on the day-to-day business operations of producing a commodity,” says David Marrison, Ohio State University agriculture-natural resources Extension educator. “Having a whole-farm business plan in place helps you stay true to your vision and the mission of the operation,” he says. “It helps you stay on course and not get lost in the weeds of not having a plan, especially when you’re facing big stressors like crop failures or tractor engines going down.” A whole-farm plan encompasses the breadth and width of your farm family’s business. “You might say it gives a perspective of the operation from a distance of 30,000 feet, as opposed to a view from 10 feet away,” says Marrison. A whole-farm plan addresses a ...